April 2023

We are out in Kentucky USA in the last week of April with our friends from Shooting travel Club ( enjoying a vast range of shooting experiences including a huge selection of firearms in their original unadulterated form (just as the Lord John Browning intended). 

These trips provide dedicated training and instruction in the safe handling and use of full bore “short” firearms provided by UKPSA qualified instructors, IPSC and 3Gun guru’s as well as significant trigger time with your own dedicated pistol for the week, PCC’s, .223 AR’s and shotguns all leading to and end of the week 3 Gun competition at a range run by one of the leading match designers in the US.

An absolutely awesome experience and something not to be missed - check out the promo video here:

APRIL 2023

BlackAdder Goes Forth

6th - 9th April 2023 Queen's Hall Theatre, Cranbrook

Magnum Arms Practical Shooting is proud of our latest cunning plan to provide various (deactivated) firearms and bayonets for the upcoming performance of BlackAdder Goes Forth by the Cranbrook Operatic & Dramatic Society at the Queen's Hall Theatre, Cranbrook

Special thanks are also due to Will Banister of Alpha Armoury Services for his help - Will runs a company providing specialist training and firearms to the Film and TV industry and can be contacted at :

A black and white logo for alpha armoury services.
Kentucky Firearms Club Logo


Ladies Practical Shooting Experiences

Magnum Arms Practical Shooting is proud to be associated with this very worthwhile initiative to get more ladies into the sport of Practical Shooting.

By providing the ammunition for the day we helped 26 new and novice lady shooters experience practical shooting as part of a mini-rifle training day hosted by Kentucky Firearms Club - one of the largest practical clubs in the UK to find out more contact KFC at

February 2023

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